Psychopy Workshop
Week One: Python Materials
Week one of the Psychopy workshop taught participants the conceptual basics of programming.
The materials are broken down into one folder per day. In each folder will be a .py file (python file) that has the written materials for the day, a python file for the problem set to work on, and the solutions.
These files are viewable within the browser at the below links or may be downloaded to view in a text editor such as Atom, Notepad ++, Vim, or Sublime Text.
Day One: Variables
The first day included an introduction to the concept of programming, some basic information about computers, and the use of variables for data management and organization. It is available at this link.
Day Two: Statements
This day we covered how to use mathematical and logical operators to create mathematical statements. These were used in our first look at control flow with the introduction of if-then statements. It is available at this link.
Day Three: Advanced Control Flow
We looked at how more advanced ways of controlling and organizing our code. Specifically, we learned how to implement for-loops on lists and while-loops. It is available at this link.
Day Four: Functions
We had used built-in functions throughout the workshop so far. On day four, we learned how to define and use our own functions to further simplify our code. It is available at this link.
Day Five: Practice Problems
On day five, I gave participants a project to work on that would require all of the concepts covered so far. Participants were asked to create a number guessing game in which players have 5 tries to guess a random number between 0-10. You can access the problem description, start code, and solution at this link.
Week 2: Psychopy Materials
Links to Psychopy Workshop Session Recordings
The session recordings of the Psychopy workshop are available on Google Drive at the following links
Monday, August 3: Python Variables
Tuesday, August 4: Python Statements
Wednesday, August 4: Python Loops
Thursday, August 5: Python Functions
Friday, August 6: Python Project
Monday, August 10: Psychopy Intro and Stimuli Presentation
Tuesday, August 11: Psychopy Trial Loops and Input Files
Wednesday, August 12: Psychopy Nested Loops
Thursday, August 13: Psychopy Adaptive Experiment
Friday, August 14: Psychopy Upload Experiment Online
Day One: Introduction to Psychopy, Stimuli Presentation
Introduction to Psychopy and Behavioural Experimentation
Introduction to Creating Routines
How to Insert Routines and Present Images
Day Two: Creating Trial Loops and Input Files
Introduction to Trial Loops, How to Create an Input File
Day Three: Nested Loops
Introduction to Nested Loops (Blocked Trials)
How to Insert a Nested Loops:Block Trials
Day Four: Experimental Manipulation using Python Code Snippets
Introduction to Inserting Python Code Snippets, How Psychopy Code Executes
How to Insert Python Code to Track and Display Accuracy
Day Five: Uploading Experiment to Pavlovia (to run in the web browser)
Introduction to Uploading Experiments Online through Pavlovia